EASN Newsletter Features ECARE Once again!

Submitted on Tue, 09/17/2024 - 17:10

The ECARE project is pleased to announce that it has been featured in the latest EASN newsletter issue - #3!

This edition includes updates on the recent undertakings of the European Aviation & Space community, as well as on some of the topmost news and upcoming events. Specifically, it highlights the upcoming 14th EASN International conference, during which ECARE will participate via a dedicated joint session entitled “Synergy mechanisms in EU Aviation ecosystem (ECARE/AREANA Joint Session)” during which presentations will be delivered covering the latest outcomes of the project and specifically it will be the launching event of the ECARE Digital Platform.

We are happy to share that ECARE is once again featured therein, with a dedicated article presenting the project, its main activities during the past months, latest progress, achievements, news and topmost up-to-date outcomes.

You can find this latest issue of the EASN periodic newsletter here and check out the ECARE dedicated article here European Clean Aviation Regional Ecosystem | EASN Newsletter

We hope you enjoy reading the article and newsletter!